The Randy Couture Workout has stirred quite a rage. There are some who tout its benefits while some are in doubt over its benefits. Let us review some facts.
His workout regimen involves dynamic exercises. These are exercises focused on developing power speed and agility in the body. The main purpose behind these exercises is to combine it with full workout with stamina and speed.
Medicine ball pushup
This is done holding the ball at the chest with both hands and pulling in the navel. Next lift the ball over the head as you jump. One leg is to be thrust forward while landing, and then the ball is thrown to the exercise partner while squatting. Do this with alternate legs in three sets of 10 repetitions each.
Medicine ball squat jumps
This is done in the pushup position. Again draw in the navel and balance your left hand on the ball. Next you have to push forward in a powerful move, a little to the left and then leave both palms free. After this you have to land on the right hand. Three sets of 10 repetitions each are again advised.
Offense hop
This requires six stepping platforms which have to be lined up end to end, with roughly 19 - 20 inches between them. Keep a shoulder width gap between the feet and perform lateral hops to and fro over the platforms. Keep going forward and repeat this with each plat form, then turn back. For these moves three sets of 12 repetitions is advised.
Defense hop
The same arrangement of platforms may be used to do this exercise. This time with each hop you have to land on top of the platform, and then jump down to its side. Repeat with all platforms, and turn back. For these moves also, three sets of 12 repetitions is advised.
o The Randy Couture Workout is really vigorous.
o It targets the heart as it raises the heart speed with powerful and speedy moves
o It targets all the major muscles of the body.
o It is especially beneficial for toning the muscles of the back, arms and legs.
o The workout is also good for the lungs as it also includes aerobic exertion.
The Randy Couture Workout is very dynamic. The best part is that it targets at strengthening of all major muscles. Do consult a fitness trainer before you opt for this exercise to identify what is best for your body.
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